2020 JCC Film Festival Going Virtual!
Join us for an exciting experience this year for our 20th anniversary Jewish Film Festival! We’re going VIRTUAL, you can watch from the comfort of your couch! All films are available for free through jewishdayton.org. We’re kicking off our 20th Anniversary with...
Camp Shalom Update
I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and well. As you may expect, the JCC of Greater Dayton, along with the Jewish Federation, is monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely.

Camp Shalom Seed Starts
The K-Club did a wonderful job starting our garden this month. We planted seeds of six different vegetables: sugar snap peas, radishes, kohlrabi (a weird looking, but delicious root vegetable), mixed lettuce, spinach and curly kale.

JCC Children’s Theatre is now JCC YOUTH Theatre!
JCC Children’s Theatre, a program open to kids in 3rd through 12th grade, is now named JCC Youth Theatre.

Early Childhood – The magic behind the mitzvahs
Every day in the JCC Preschool, Jewish traditions come to life. It might look like magic, but it’s absolutely due to our amazing staff of teachers and assistants.