Fueling Cuba's Jewish Revival

Fueling Cuba's Jewish Revival

As we get ready for our community Tikkun Olam Mission Trip to Eastern Europe, it’s amazing to see how far our Annual Campaign reaches. Check out what Federation partner the JDC (Joint Distribution Committee) has been working towards in Cuba!...
The Gift of PJ Library

The Gift of PJ Library

Thanks to the generous support of Marcia and Ed Kress, the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, is able to give the gift of PJ Library to our Dayton Jewish community. PJ Library (PJ stands for pajamas), in...
Local Lion Awarded Nationally

Local Lion Awarded Nationally

Congratulations to Suzie Katz, Dayton’s 2016 Kipnis-Wilson Award Winner! This national award, to be presented at the 2016 Lion of Judah Conference in September in Washington D.C., is named for Lion of Judah founders Norma Kipnis-Wilson and Toby...

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