
Don’t Miss This Opportunity!

As a child, I attended Sunday school, went through confirmation, and spent my summers at Jewish camp. In my young adulthood, I traveled to Israel, and eventually lived there and became an Israeli citizen. And subsequently, I’ve spent the past 30 years as a Jewish communal professional.

Throughout all of these life experiences, I learned about Israel and Zionism. However, it wasn’t until I pursued my Masters in Jewish Professional Studies that I delved deeper into the history of Zionism. I learned, in greater detail, about Israel’s rich history and the conflicts surrounding its formation. Throughout my studies, I read over 2,000 pages pertaining to these subjects. And by the end, I felt like I had exponentially expanded my knowledge base.

So, when Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) recently advertised a four-week course on Israel and Zionism for Jewish Federation professionals, I was so excited to share the opportunity with my staff. I know, from my own personal experience, how inspiring it can be to learn more about our beloved Israel. And to my delight, seven staff members, including myself, signed up for the course. Here are my take-a-ways thus far:

  • What I previously knew about Israel and Zionism was merely the tip of the iceberg. Over the past three weeks, I have learned so much. The breadth and depth of information shared during the course is vast.
  • The course is geared toward everyone. Whether a participant’s knowledge of Israel and Zionism are at a beginner level, or at an expert level, they will walk away each week having learned something new.
  • The instructor, Rabbi Mike Uram, is JFNA’s best kept secret. Rabbi Uram recently joined JFNA as their first Chief Jewish Learning Officer. He is engaging, thorough, and charismatic. Rabbi Uram’s extensive experience as a Jewish professional shines through as he tackles the facts and, at times, difficult questions from participants. He most recently served as the Chief Vision and Education Officer for Pardes North America. Prior to that, he led Penn Hillel as their Executive Director and Campus Rabbi for 16 years. He is also a best-selling author, speaker, and consultant.

The only *negative* thought I had after participating in the first session of the course was, “I wish our Dayton Jewish community could take part in this incredible learning experience.” Well, I am happy to say that now you can!

JFNA is now offering “Israel Deep Dive for Federation Lay Leaders,” which will begin on Tuesday, June 4th at 4:00 p.m. EST. This three-part course (June 4, 18, and 25) is offered ~ free of charge ~ to anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge base of Israel. There aren’t enough words that could convey how much I recommend signing up for this course! I highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. You can click here to register.

I am excited to hear feedback from those of you who are able to participate. I hope you find the course as enriching and transformative as I do. 



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