A Women’s Freedom Seder – Our Journey from Slavery to Strength
March 27 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
$18.00 – $54.00Thursday, March 27, 2025
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Beth Abraham Synagogue
305 Sugar Camp Circle
Dayton, OH 45409
Join us as we celebrate the 11th annual Dayton Women’s Seder. Come celebrate our spiritual journey as we celebrate Passover at a unique Seder with the women of our community. The Jewish Community Center is proud to collaborate with the women from Beth Abraham Synagogue, Beth Jacob Congregation, Hadassah, Temple Beth Or, and Temple Israel for this event.
This year the Women’s Seder Committee is supporting children’s literacy in our community. We will be collecting NEW books for children from Pre-K through middle school for the Brunner Literacy Center. Please bring your book to the Seder. Alternatively, if you would rather give a monetary donation, you may do so either by check or online at www.brunnerliteracy.org. We thank you for your support!
$54/person. RSVP by March 6. Your payment is your reservation. Seating is limited.
Become a program supporter for an additional $50. You can also make a tribute in memory or in honor of someone you will miss at your Seder by contributing $18. Please do so by March 6 in order for your tribute or supporter name to be inserted in the Haggadah.
Questions? Contact Stacy Emoff at semoff@jfgd.net.
All Kosher meals prepared at Beth Abraham Synagogue.