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CABS: Brad Graber

27 October 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

BRAD GRABER, Boca By Moonlight
Thursday, October 27 @ 7 PM via Zoom

Cost: Free
CLICK HERE to Register 

George had it all. A love­ly wife. Two beau­ti­ful adult chil­dren. A con­do on the grounds of the Boca Raton Resort & Club. But when his wife dies, he’s alone in retire­ment. A lost man. Sure, he has his golf bud­dies to con­sole him. But when his friend Willy dies, George is caught off-guard. Why did Willy’s fam­i­ly stay away from the funer­al? Why did the check to the mor­tu­ary bounce? And why did George and his bud­dies have to pay to bury him? More impor­tant­ly, what can George learn from Willy’s life to escape mak­ing the same fool­ish mistakes?

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