Film Fest: Love in Suspenders
30 June 2020 - 2 July 2020

Love in Suspenders is available for free streaming via exclusive link and password from 6/30-7/2.
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2019 • 93 min. • Comedy Romance • Hebrew with English Subtitles
A 64-year-old widow (Tammy) and a 70-year-old widower (Beno), each suffering from the loss of loved ones, meet in an unlikely manner to become friends and, eventually lovers. From their first unfortunate encounter, when Tammy hits Beno with her car until they unite in front of the altar, Tammy and Beno’s relationship travels on comically and emotionally-fueled hairpin turns. They get closer, break up, get back together and fight again, until ultimately their love wins out. Shlomo Bar-Aba gives a heartwarming performance as Tammy’s late husband, who refuses to let her go in a cinematic tribute to Jorge Amado’s Vadinho in Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands.
Winner: Best Drama @ 2019 Fairfield County JFF