JCRC Community Conversation: Honoring RBG
29 October 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
JCRC Community Conversation: Honoring RBG
Bonnie Beaman Rice Leads a Discussion of “Conversations with RBG” by Jeffrey Rosen
Join Dayton’s Bonnie Beaman Rice, Magistrate (Retired), as she facilitates a JCRC Community Conversation in collaboration with the JCC of Jeffrey Rosen’s book Conversations with RBG: On Life, Love, Liberty, and Law. Bonnie is the chair of the JFGD JCRC Social Justice subcommittee and had the pleasure of meeting the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg (z”l) in the spring of 2019, when Bonnie was sworn into the United States Supreme Court. This program is a collaboration between JCRC and the JCC.
No charge