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Introduction to DNA Testing with Diana Nelson

14 February 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Virtual Event Virtual Event

DNA testing is a popular tool for genealogy. TV advertising touts finding your ethnicity. You already know you are Jewish, so why would you test? And what test should you take? Local genealogist Diana Nelson will discuss the different types of DNA tests, what you can learn from them, and their limitations. 10 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021.

Diana Nelson has worked on her family history for 30 years. She became interested in using DNA testing a dozen years ago and now manages five kits for her family and five for her husband’s family. Diana is the education chair of the Greene County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, and a member of the Miami Valley Jewish Genealogy & History Advisory Committee.  

Presented by Miami Valley Jewish Genealogy & History, Beth Abraham Synagogue Men’s Club Speaker Series, and Temple Israel’s Ryterband Lecture Series. Support for this event is provided in memory of Marcia Jaffe.

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