Mitzvah Day!
5 May 2019 @ 8:45 am - 1:00 pm
Temple Israel’s Religious School is hosting a day of mitzvah projects. We have several options, with something ideal for any age. For those not affiliated with our religious school, please RSVP in advanced to Rabbi Sobo (, 937-496-0050) so that we can ensure enough materials for everyone. Materials needed include t-shirts/scrap fabric, pipe cleaners, felt, shoe strings, chopsticks, yarn, knitting/crochet needles (to be returned at the end of the day), individual snacks/juice boxes/shelf-stable snack items, small activities (coloring books, crayons, travel games, etc.), ping pong balls. If you are able to provide some of these items, please let Rabbi Sobo know and/or bring them to Temple in advanced of the program if you are able.
Donations of materials and/or Tzedakkah are welcome, but not required