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Noah Aronson Visits Jewish Dayton: An Artist-in-Residence Weekend

22 February 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Kick-off Community Shabbat Service
Noah Aronson joins us as one community for an evening of collaborative worship featuring the Dayton Jewish Chorale and Temple Beth Or Choir.

Renowned musician and performer, Noah Aronson, will visit Dayton and share his music and infectious spirit with the entire community over the weekend of February 22 – 24. To kick-off his weekend in Dayton, Noah will co-lead a community Shabbat service, hosted by Temple Beth Or, on Friday, February 22 in coordination with Beth Or’s worship team. On Saturday afternoon, a lunch will be hosted by Temple Israel, followed by a innovative and musical educational session with Noah, all open to the community. On Sunday morning, Beth Abraham, in collaboration with PJ Library and the other congregations, will host a special combined religious school program for the community, inviting all of the kids to come together, to learn some of Noah’s music, and to enjoy a special mini-concert by Noah. The kids will even perform a few songs with Noah at the concert.

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