TBO Chai Mitzvah
6 January 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
In appreciation for generous underwriting by Rabbi Judy Chessin, Temple Beth Or’s Adult Education Committee (AEC) is delighted to announce the formation of a new Chai Mitzvah group. Because Temple Beth Or has hosted previous Chai Mitzvah groups, the national Chai Mitzvah organization is waiving the cost of materials to individuals who join the group. This means that you, personally, will pay nothing. What is Chai Mitzvah?: Chai Mitzvah is a personal Jewish journey to share with friends. Groups exist in 39 states and 6 countries. This new Chai Mitzvah group focuses on critical conversations (e.g., What is modern day idolatry? How do we reconcile faith in the presence of evil?) What is involved?: Reading a short overview of the topic on your own and then participating in a group ZOOM discussion to which a discussion facilitator has been assigned. When does the group meet?: first Thursday of the month, 7-8:30 p.m. The group will meet once a month for 5 months. Below is a list of upcoming meeting/discussion dates and facilitators: Jan 6, 2022: Ruth Schumacher (unit 2) April 7, 2022: Laurie Verson (unit 3) May 5, 2022: Rachel Booth (unit 4) June 2, 2022: Jan Sherman (unit 5) How does the group function? Participants register (via the link below) and discuss one reading per Chai Mitzvah meeting date. You will receive a brief reading once you register. Registration Link: https://templebethor.com/chai-mitzvah/ |