The Interview
18 September 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Sunday September 18, 2022
Two Performances: 2:30 PM & 7:00 PM (2 hour performance with 15 minute intermission)
Free to the Public
25th Anniversary of Dayton Playhouse FutureFest Winner
The INTERVIEW with Playwriter, Faye Sholiton present to share her inspiration and host a Talkback after the 2:30 PM performance.
Play Synopsis: Bracha Weissman has transformed herself into an emotional recluse. Her identity defined by the loss of her family in the Nazi death camps she miraculously survived. Her attachment to the past has estranged her daughter Rifka, who wants to get on with the life of a modern day mom in California. Bracha’s armor begins to crack when Ann Meshenberg appears one day to take her oral testimony for a video archive. Ann, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, has her own agenda: The need to ask a stranger what she could not ask her parents. What begins as a simple history project becomes a story of mothers and daughters forgiving and being forgiven, within this two hour play.
Funding provided by an Innovation Grant of the the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton