
JCC May Book Club

Zoom Virtual Book Club Hostess Cheryl Lewis, the book is The Dutch House Launch Zoom Meeting

Virtual Screening – “Viral: Antisemitism and its Four Mutations”

Join ThinkTV and CET for an advance screening of a new documentary, Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations. Stay with us for a Q&A with the filmmaker, Andrew Goldberg, and Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz from Temple Israel, Dayton, Ohio, following the film. The discussion will be moderated by Marcy Paul, PhD, from the Jewish Community Relations Council […]

Viral: Antisemitism and its Four Mutations Discussion Panel

Q&A with the filmmaker, Andrew Goldberg, and Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz from Temple Israel, Dayton, Ohio, following the film. The discussion will be moderated by Marcy Paul, PhD, from the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton. Click here

Project DAWN (Death Avoided With Nolaxone) Training


Project Dawn training aims to stop overdose deaths. It provides training on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of overdose and how to administer intranasal naloxone. LaTania Jackson, Community Education Specialist, from Samaritan Behavioral Health, Inc. will provide the training via Zoom webinar and all participants will receive a take-home naloxone kit by mail […]

JCC Sneak Peek: Fiddler on the Zoom with Cantor Jenna Greenberg

JCC Happy Hour - join us Tuesday (June 2nd) On Your Screens With Jenna, you are invited to join Cantor Jenna Greenberg for a virtual adventure down Broadway, with a Jewish twist! As we continue our social distancing, feel free to play the Pajama Game, as we Brigazoom through some of the great musical theater […]

Technology and the Independent You – What is Social Media? Do I need it?


JFS presents What is Social Media and Do I Really Need it?, ZOOM webinar presented by Marianne Bailey, "The Senior Tutor." Remember, if you attend all three Technology and the Independent You sessions, you are entered into a raffle to win an Amazon Echo and a 1 hour in home session to help set it […]

Film Fest Sneak Peak: Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles

Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles is available for free streaming via exclusive link and password from 6/4-6/8. Click here to register and be the first to receive the exclusive streaming link and password! The origin story behind one of Broadway’s most beloved musicals, Fiddler on The Roof, and its creative roots in early 1960s New York, […]

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