
Dayton Junior Youth Group (grades 6-8) Fall kickoff

Disc Golf at Stubbs Park (100 W. Spring Valley Rd. Centerville, OH 45458) $5/person No experience necessary. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather! We will meet in the parking lot near the first tee. See map.


L’Chaim 2020: What is Your Legacy?

A conversation with Eric Weiner, author of the book Words from the Heart, Writing an Ethical Will, will lead us through exercises and discussion about how to write an ethical will and having conversations with family about how we want to be remembered, passing on guiding principals and spiritual beliefs through family stories. Free to […]


Intro to Judaism Virtual Class

Interested in Jewish history and ritual? Involved in an interfaith relationship? Want to learn more about your Jewish neighbors, friends, or family members? Seeking conversion? Organized and taught by the rabbis of The Synagogue Forum of Greater Dayton. The course offers an in-depth look at Judaism from Conservative, Orthodox/Traditional, and Reform perspectives along with guest […]


Unleash Your Inner Author with novelist Martha Moody

Click here to register Ever wanted to create a character out of nothing but words? Invent a world? Present a fresh take on a common problem or experience? Is there a story you were meant to tell? This 5-week class will give you time, support, suggestions and exercises to help you unleash your inner author. […]

CABS: Steven Levy “Facebook: The Inside Story”

Click here to register!  What started as a simple website to serve as a college social network, Facebook is nearly unrecognizable from Zuckerberg’s first, modest iteration. It has grown into a tech giant, the largest social media platform and one of the most gargantuan companies in the world. Renowned tech writer Steven Levy has had […]

Ice Cream with JYG!

We want you to help us plan the 2020-21 Dayton Junior Youth Group calendar! Kids in grades 6-8 are invited to join us for a virtual meeting to plan events for the year. Advance registration is required. As a way to thank you, all participants will receive a FREE pint of Graeter's ice cream or […]

JCRC Community Conversation: Honoring RBG

JCRC Community Conversation: Honoring RBG Bonnie Beaman Rice Leads a Discussion of "Conversations with RBG" by Jeffrey Rosen Join Dayton’s Bonnie Beaman Rice, Magistrate (Retired), as she facilitates a JCRC Community Conversation in collaboration with the JCC of Jeffrey Rosen’s book Conversations with RBG: On Life, Love, Liberty, and Law. Bonnie is the chair of […]

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