
Beth Abraham Men’s Club Deli Dinner and Raffle

Men's Club annual Deli Dinner/Movie/Raffle will be held in person at the synagogue on Sunday, March 27th beginning at 6:00 pm. Orders ($20 per meal) must be received by March 21st and all meals will be boxed. Those who don’t plan to attend in person can pick up their order at the synagogue or have […]

GI Jews: 42nd Annual Ryterband symposium

Join us for a hybrid program featuring Professor Deborah Dash Moore talk on GI Jews: How WW2 Transformed American Jews. Wright State University, 163 Student Union

Beth Jacob Passover Class: Passover Prep Made Easy

Passover Prep Made Easy- How to prepare for Passover without hiring 20 maids or driving yourself meshugah, including live demos for cleaning and Kashering. Events will be in person & refreshments will be served. No cost.

TBO Chai Mitzvah

In appreciation for generous underwriting by Rabbi Judy Chessin, Temple Beth Or’s Adult Education Committee (AEC) is delighted to announce the formation of a new Chai Mitzvah group.  Because Temple Beth Or has hosted previous Chai Mitzvah groups, the national Chai Mitzvah organization is waiving the cost of materials to individuals who join the group.  […]

Temple Israel Open House Celebration

Plans have been in the works for several months updating, beautifying, and renovating our sacred spaces and common areas. Delays, construction changes, and supply chain issues extended our original renovation deadline, but the time has finally come for us to show you the results of this labor of love. On Sunday, April 10 from 1:00PM […]

Temple Israel Virtual Community Second Seder

This year, out of an abundance of caution, our Worship & Music Committee voted to keep the Second Seder as an online event. Together as a community, we will log on to Zoom on Saturday, April 16 at 6:00PM to continue our traditions from the comforts of our homes. Rabbi Bodney-Halasz will lead our seder […]

Beth Abraham Earth Day Celebration

Beth Abraham Synagogue 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Dayton, OH

Join us for a learning session with Rabbi Crespy and Cantor Raizen, followed by a light nosh. Continuing on, we will have thee engaging presentations By Masha Kisel, Tim Pritchard and Mike Goldstein. We will end with the opportunity for you to plant your own seedling to take home. We will be collecting gardening supplies, […]

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