
Canceled: Active Adults Dine Around

Troll Pub at the Wheelhouse 216 Wayne Ave, Dayton, OH

Lunch at Troll Pub at the Wheelhouse. Lunch cost is on your own.


Active Adults Dine Around

Olive Garden 6722 Miller Ln, Dayton, OH

Active Adults Dine Around @ Olive Garden Lunch cost is on your own


Active Adults Dine Around

Carillon Brewing Co 1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, OH

Dine Around Lunch at Carillon Brewing Lunch cost is on your own, RSVP by Monday, March 11


Purim Program at Singing Woods

Spring Hills Singing Woods 140 E Woodbury Drive, Dayton, OH

Purim celebration with Courtney Cummings


Active Adults Dine Around and Tour

Seasons Bistro and Grille 28 S Limestone St., Springfield, OH

Lunch at Season's Bistro followed by a tour of the Westcott House Lunch is on your own; Tour is $15.00 Due with your reservation


OSHIIP Welcome to Medicare

Boonshoft CJCE 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville, OH

Hosting the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program

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