
I think we can all say that 2020 has tested us in ways we never could have imagined. It’s strange to think how quickly our everyday lives have changed. Typically, many of us would be looking forward to summer – complete with vacations, camp, day trips, BBQs, and family gatherings. This year, though, is different.

While many businesses are reopening, there are new rules in place. They may require masks be worn at all times, adjust their occupancy limits, and display social distancing markers on the ground, reminding us not to stand too close to others in our vicinity. While these rules are necessary to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, it doesn’t make adjusting to our new reality any easier.

What can make adjusting to our new “normal” a bit easier is realizing that we are all on the same team. Yes, we may be experiencing different feelings and emotions, but in the end, we are all going through this unprecedented time together. It is important that we communicate with each other, and lean on our Jewish values to help support us and guide us.

These Jewish values can not only help guide us in our personal lives, but in our work lives as well. You can click here to read a fabulous article by Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal titled “Jewish Values Regarding Physical Reopening of Our Institutions.”

As we continue to navigate these rough waters, I try to remember this: We aren’t always going to agree with each other. We are going to have days where things feel overwhelming, and perhaps we are not at our best. However, as long as we exercise a little grace, and communicate with kindness and respect, there isn’t anything we can’t work out.




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