Beth Jacob Friday Night Dinner
Beth Jacob 7020 N. Main Street, Dayton, OHTu B'shvat Service & Dinner with Anshe Emeth & Temple Shalom. Cost: $18.00 RSVP to: by January 23.
Tu B'shvat Service & Dinner with Anshe Emeth & Temple Shalom. Cost: $18.00 RSVP to: by January 23.
Join us with family and friends as we celebrate Shabbat with a Themed Community Shabbat Dinner on Friday, February 3, 2023, at 5:40 PM. We will enjoy the beautiful experience […]
Join the Dayton Jewish Chorale at Temple Israel for Shabbat Shirah - the Sabbath of Song! This musical Shabbat service experience celebrates the continued return of the Dayton Jewish Chorale this […]
JG & H Brunch Discussion: Jewish Connections to the Titanic Sunday, February 5 @ 10 AM Beth Abraham Synagogue (305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood 45409) Cost: $7 payable at the door […]
CWC New Year for Trees dinner and program Cost: $36 or $154 CWC Membership RSVP to:
Fun holiday program for children ages 5-11 where the children will pamper their body & soul. Free program. Optional dinner following. No cost. RSVP at
Calling all youth grades 6 - 8 for and evening of skating at Riverscape. Cost: $10.00 includes skate rental.
Prayer and Play is a fun chance to gather our youngest community members. Events are hosted by Temple Israel, geared to children, infants thru 2nd grade and include a Jewish […]
Boonshoft CJCE (525 Versailles Drive, 45459) Join us for a Night in Vegas! Enjoy an evening of music, karaoke, appetizers and desserts, blackjack, euchre, raffle drawing, door prizes and more! Do […]
Campers spend their Presidents Day break participating in camp activities such as sports, games, art, cooking, field trips and community service.