
CABS Swag Bag pick up

Boonshoft CJCE 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville, OH

We will be handing out the swag bags to the donors of CABS from 11am - 1pm

CABS: Steven Levy “Facebook: The Inside Story”

Click here to register!  What started as a simple website to serve as a college social network, Facebook is nearly unrecognizable from Zuckerberg’s first, modest iteration. It has grown into a tech giant, the largest social media platform and one of the most gargantuan companies in the world. Renowned tech writer Steven Levy has had […]

CABS: Amy Fish “I Wanted Fries with That: How to Ask for What you Want and Get What you Need”

Click here to register!  Jews expe­ri­ence injus­tices large and small — the restau­rant botch­ing our bagel shmear, car deal­er­ship not return­ing our calls, or find­ing bacon in the syn­a­gogue fridge. Often, we suf­fer in silence for fear of offend­ing any­one, or we kvetch too loud­ly and risk being ignored. In I Want­ed Fries with That, Jew­ish author Amy […]

CABS: Yousef Bashir “Words of My Father: Love and Pain in Palestine”

Click here to register!  When the soccer-mad Yousef was eleven, the Second Intifada exploded. First came the shooting, then the occupation. Ordered to leave their family home, Yousef’s father refused, even when the Israeli soldiers moved in, seizing the top two floors. For five long years, three generations of the Bashir family were virtual prisoners […]

CABS: Janice Kaplan “It’s the Genius of Women: From Overlooked to Changing the World”

Click here to register!  We tell girls that they can be anything, so why do 90 percent of Americans believe that geniuses are almost always men? New York Times bestselling author Janice Kaplan explores the powerful forces that have rigged the system—and celebrates the women geniuses past and present who have triumphed anyway. Writer and Magazine Editor Janice Kaplan set out […]

CABS: Alan Zweibel “Laugh Lines: My Life Helping Funny People Be Funnier”

Click here to register!  Alan Zweibel started his comedy career selling jokes for seven dollars apiece to the last of the Borscht Belt standups. Then one night, despite bombing on stage, he caught the attention of Lorne Michaels and became one of the first writers at Saturday Night Live, where he penned classic material for […]

CABS: Talia Carner “The Third Daughter”

Click here to register! Even those who con­sid­er them­selves well-versed in Jew­ish his­to­ry will feel sur­prised — even hor­ri­fied — by the sto­ry told in Talia Carner’s new nov­el, The Third Daugh­ter. Set in the late nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, it tells of a Jew­ish-run syn­di­cate who sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly kid­napped young women from East­ern Europe for the pur­pose of sell­ing them as pros­ti­tutes […]

CABS: Libby Copeland “The Lost Family: How DNA Testing is Upending Who We Are”

Click here to register! The Lost Family delves into the many lives that have been irrevocably changed by home DNA tests - a technology that represents the end of family secrets. There are the adoptees who've used the test to find their birth parents; donor-conceived adults who suddenly discover they have more than fifty siblings; […]

CABS: Jan Eliasberg “Hannah’s War”

Click here to register!  A vivid, page-turning, and inspiring re-imagination of the final months of World War II, and the brilliant researchers behind the first atomic bomb, Hannah’s War is an unforgettable love story about an exceptional woman, and the dangerous power of her greatest discovery. in 1945, Dr. Hannah Weiss, an Austrian-Jewish physicist, is removed from her essential […]

CABS: Stepahnie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, Mark Oppenheimer “The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia”

Click here to register! Deeply knowing, highly entertaining, beautifully illustrated, and just a little bit irreverent, this unputdownable encyclopedia of all things Jewish and Jew-ish covers culture, religion, history, habits, language, and more. Readers will refresh their knowledge of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, the artistry of Barbra Streisand, the significance of the Oslo Accords, the […]

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