
JFNA Communal Kvell

Jewish Federations of North America's Communal Kvell Wednesday, September 16 1:30 - 2:15PM Thank you so much for joining us as we showcased the impact of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton during our Annual Meeting Celebration. If you missed it, you can still watch it here. 2020 JewishDayton Virtual Annual Meeting Now, it's time […]

JFS Active Adults Trivia Night

Are you young at heart or an old soul? Join the Active Adults for an engaging night of virtual trivia of 50's & 60's pop culture! Click here to register via Zoom

JCC Book Club

September book is Deacon King Kong, by James McBride Hostess is Lynda Cohen

YAD Virtual Happy Hour

No cost. Join YAD for a fun evening as we virtually catch up and meet YAD members new to the Dayton Jewish community! Email Cheryl Carne at to RSVP, and she will provide you with the Zoom information.

Global Jewish Cuisine

Join us with Dr. Judy Chesen as we explore Global Jewish Cuisine surrounding the holidays, a series of 3 sessions! We celebrate the abundance of food on the harvest festival of Sukkot.  We will embrace the bounty through the enjoyment of stuffed foods. Register here via Zoom


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