
JCC Sinclair Non Credit Physical Fitness PED 6201/906

Boonshoft CJCE 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville, OH

Sinclair College of Life Long Learning is offering a Functional Fitness Class. This class is a group exercise program for older adults that focuses on cardiovascular exercise, strength training, balance and flexibility - everything older adults need to maintain health and function as they age. Students can register by going to the Sinclair Centerville Campus […]

Chai Mitzvah

Temple Beth Or 5275 Marshall Rd., Dayton, OH

Join us as we explore how each commandment provides us with beliefs, principles, and standards of behavior which guides us. $40/series

Family Shabbat

Temple Beth Or 5275 Marshall Rd., Dayton, OH

Rabbi Ari Ballaban will lead this family friendly service. Pizza dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. Suggested donation of $5 per family. Please bring drinks and a nut-free dessert.

Kiddush Lunch: Spanish & Portugese

Temple Israel 130 Riverside Drive, Dayton, OH

Join us for a Spanish & Portugese themed Kiddush Lunch on Saturday, January 11 following our 10:30am Shabbat service. This is a FREE lunch and everyone id welcome to attend. If you would like to bring a dish to share, please contact Judy Heller at

60-Minute Shabbat

Temple Beth Or 5275 Marshall Rd., Dayton, OH

Led by Rabbi Ari Ballaban, this service will read and discuss the Torah portion Vayechi.

Prayer & Play

Temple Israel 130 Riverside Drive, Dayton, OH

All Prayer & Play events are facilitated by Rabbi Tina Sobo and are perfect for not-yet-school-aged children (6 and under) and their families. The goal is to build community in a come-as-you-are, friendly environment. We’ll have time for a little prayer, a lot of fun and laughter, and a wonderful community of families with young […]

Cafe Chabad – Kosher Deli Night

Chabad of Greater Dayton 2001 Far Hills Ave., Dayton, OH

Café Chabad presents Kosher Deli Night on Saturday Night, January 11th, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Enjoy a full array of delicious deli sandwiches, home-made knishes, matzah ball soup, coleslaw, pickles, homemade babka and rugelach and more! Café Chabad takes place at Chabad of Greater Dayton, 2001 Far Hills Avenue in Oakwood. Fee: $30/person - Sponsor […]

Stephen Renas – Ryterband Lecture Series

Temple Israel 130 Riverside Drive, Dayton, OH

Stephen Renas presents Online Hate and Real-World Violence. Join Temple Israel's Brotherhood for this enlightening and informative series of lectures. Brunch begins at 9:45 a.m. and presentations begin at 10:15 a.m. Cost is $65 for the series or $7 per brunch.

The Beat – Making Music at the J

Boonshoft CJCE 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville, OH

This month: Folk Music facilitated by Irv Moscowitz! The JCC is excited to host the second season of “The Beat,” welcoming all to an informal setting where we will play, sing, clap, or dance along with a variety of music that has Jewish connections. Sheet music will be made available in advance to those who […]


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