Did JFS see you on Sunday, February 4, at its Drive-Thru Mitzvah Mission? At this particular Mitzvah Mission, we collected frozen, unbaked macaroni and cheese casseroles for the shelter guests at St. Vincent de Paul and high-need items for People & Paws of Greater Dayton.
AND YOU DELIVERED! Just what did you deliver?
- 3 unbaked, frozen macaroni & cheese casseroles
- 17 pounds of kitten food
- 40 pounds of puppy food
- 18 pounds of cat food
- 4 pounds of dog food
- 8.25 pounds of cat and dog treats
- 24 permanent markers

Why are Mitzvah Missions so important?
This is Jewish Dayton’s opportunity to support the human service agencies in the community that support all of the community, including us. Through case management and information and referral, JFS connects those in need to community resources and supports. This sometimes includes shelters and food pantries. In the case of People & Paws, this pet food pantry helps those who may be struggling financially to feed and maintain their pets. We know that pets, among other things, provide unconditional love and companionship. We want to help people access resources that allow them to care for and keep their fur families.
How can you support JFS Mitzvah Missions and our broader community?
JFS has three more Mitzvah Missions this year! Mark your calendars and watch for information about our:
- June 23 Drive-Thru Mitzvah Mission: Benefits the shelter guests at St. Vincent de Paul and the YWCA. Click here for more information.
- September 8 Drive-Thru Mitzvah Mission: Benefits shelter guests at St. Vincent de Paul and Crayons to Classrooms. Click here for more information.
- December 25 In Person Mitzvah Mission. Click here for more information for this fun, impact-full morning.
And, there’s more!!
At many JFS and other Jewish Dayton events, JFS provides the opportunity to bring items to donate to human service agencies, such as canned goods for the Dayton Foodbank. We are also a site for Clothes That Work donations (by appointment only, by calling 937-610-1555).
JFS hopes to see you at events that support the broader community and Jewish Dayton!
To learn more about Jewish Family Services and Mitzvah Missions, please contact Tara Feiner, Executive Director of Jewish Family Services, at tfeiner@jfgd.net or 937-401-1546.
JFS Connects. Guides. Cares.
Empowering everyone to live their best life.