
Ice Cream with JYG!

We want you to help us plan the 2020-21 Dayton Junior Youth Group calendar! Kids in grades 6-8 are invited to join us for a virtual meeting to plan events […]

Dayton Junior Youth Group (grades 6-8) Geocaching

Geocaching at Cox Arboretum (6733 N. Springboro Pike, Dayton, OH 45449) Wear comfortable shoes suitable for hiking and dress for the weather Bring your cell phone if you have one […]


CABS: Talia Carner “The Third Daughter”

Click here to register! Even those who con­sid­er them­selves well-versed in Jew­ish his­to­ry will feel sur­prised — even hor­ri­fied — by the sto­ry told in Talia Carner’s new nov­el, The Third Daugh­ter. Set in […]

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