About Us
Explanation of Federation’s Role with the Agencies and Observer
As an integrated Federation, the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton encompasses Federation programs and activities, as well as those from the Jewish Community Center (JCC), Jewish Family Services (JFS), and the Jewish Foundation. Our structure provides leadership, management, and support for the entire organization.
The Dayton Jewish Observer is a Jewish newspaper, focusing on local, national, and global news and events relevant to the Jewish community. It is edited and published by Marshall Weiss, through funding and support from the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton and the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton.
The Jewish Federation
The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton & its Agencies care for those in need, strengthen Jewish life, and create connections among Jews — acting locally, in Israel, and around the world.
The Jewish Community Center
From its first inception in the early 1930s, the JCC of Greater Dayton has been integral to the Dayton Jewish community. As a social hub, activity center, and immersive cultural portal, the JCC is here for everyone.
Jewish Community Center of Greater Dayton Mission Statement
The Jewish Community Center of Greater Dayton provides a universal sense of belonging in the hearts and minds of Greater Jewish Dayton. The creative programming ideas educate and impart Jewish values to all members of the community, regardless of age, creed, nationality, or religion.
Jewish Family Services
If someone feels his or her life is out of control, Jewish Family Services (JFS) can help put everything back on track. Our professional JFS team reviews options available for medical or emotional needs and walks people through the maze of information available, looking at our services and community options.
Jewish Family Services of Greater Dayton Mission Statement
Guided by Jewish traditions, JFS provides individuals and families within the Miami Valley with the tools and services to lead a happy and healthy life.
Jewish Foundation
Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton Mission Statement
The Jewish Foundation builds the Dayton Jewish community’s future, ensuring through endowments and donor advised funds that we pass the tradition of building on for generations to come.
The Dayton Jewish Observer
The Observer reaches 6,949 readers in approximately 3,232 households. It is sent to every identifiable Jewish home in the community free of charge and is also distributed in select, upscale locations throughout the Miami Valley.
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