
Hopefully you have received your copy of our new publication, Jewish Dayton Magazine, in the mail (if you haven’t, you should receive it very soon!). This magazine was born out of the Jewish Dayton Dreams Big visioning project. We wanted a place to talk about the amazing programs we offer, and highlight our wonderful Jewish community.

I’ve received very supportive, positive feedback thus far. What a delight to know that community members are so thrilled with this new endeavor. One person summed up their feelings about the magazine by saying “you’ve really hit the mark.” That comment really resonated with me.

Steve Jobs once said “All I ask is that today, you do the best work of your entire life.” I, along with the rest of the staff at the Federation and its agencies, strive to do this every single day. Somedays we are better than other days at reaching this goal. But our intent is to do good things and make good things happen. So when we do something that resonates so positively in the community, it feels incredible.

You can click here to view the magazine online.

We are excitedly working on the next issue, which will arrive in homes at the end of March.




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