Wherever and however we gather, we endure. Below are resources and local opportunities to connect virtually during Passover within the coming week.
Agency Resources

Our Early Childhood teachers have some fun Passover sing alongs and crafts planned for next week! Be the first to watch them by subscribing to our YouTube Playlist here!

We know many families will have a different Seder this year – but it doesn’t have to be perfect – start with Matzah! We will have matzah available (one per PJ Library family, limited amount) starting Sunday! Contact Kate at kelder[at]jfgd.net, and we can coordinate a safe pick-up or drop-off. Looking for resources? Click here!

Jewish Federations of North America have collected all kinds of resources for how to host a virtual Seder this Passover. Click here for more information.

Zoom with our P2G Community! Check out all the opportunities in the coming week to connect virtually with Israel & our overseas family. Click here for more information.
Are you in need of Assistance?
Contact Jewish Family Services
JFS Director Tara Feiner @ 937-401-1546
JFS Administrative Assistant Theresa Clyburn @ 937-401-1551
JFS Social Worker Aleka Smith @ 937-401-1775
Email & Voicemail are being checked regularly
Synagogues & Jewish Community Organizations

Beth Abraham Synagogue
Global Gathering for Healing, Sunday April 5th at NOON. Rabbi Ginsberg also invites you to join us this Sunday at 12 noon EDT (and simultaneously across time zones), as Masorti/Conservative communities around the world convene for the Global Gathering for Healing. It’s easy to join: Click here for the Facebook event and participation link.
Havdalah Service April 11 via Zoom at 8:55PM. Link will be available in Beth Abraham’s email and on Beth Abraham’s Facebook page.
Order a Passover meal through Bernstein’s, deadline is Today (4/3)!
Check out “Rabbi’s Reflections” https://www.bethabrahamdayton.org/rabbis-reflections/ for regular reflections and Rabbi Ginsberg’s weekly Dvar Torah (Sermon)
Beth Jacob Synagogue
Tuesday & Thursday Classes with the Rabbi will be available via Skype. Please contact Rabbi Agar (929-202-3864) for more details.
The Rabbi will also be creating educational videos to watch at your leisure. More details on video access to follow.

Chabad of Greater Dayton
Seder at Home Orders – Deadline is Today (4/3)!
Chabad will be hosting classes online and via Facebook Live in various capacities throughout this time. We will be posting more information as it becomes available. Stay up to date through Chabad’s Facebook page!
Temple Beth Or
Streaming Second Seder: Temple Beth Or will provide the food, you set the table! The Temple will provide Seder meal boxes for pick up or delivery (if you are unable to come to the Temple). The cost will be dependent on you, however much you are willing or able to pay. As guidance, the cost to the Temple for each meal is $25.00. At 6:30 p.m., a Seder webcast featuring Rabbis Chessin and Ballaban will begin featuring your favorite prayers and songs. You can go to Temple Beth Or’s Facebook page or website to join the program.

Temple Israel
Thursday, April 9 at 6:00pm – Rabbi Bodney Halasz leads a second night seder from her home. Details to access the meeting link will be posted on Temple’s Facebook page and website.
Congregation Anshe Emeth, Piqua
Virtual Second Night Seder
Services at Anshe Emeth will be held through Zoom.us as well for our Friday, April 18 service, led by Rabbinic Intern Caroline Sim.