Our older children get to ride the “big yellow school bus” and visit places like the Dayton Art Institute; the Air Force Museum, where we learn about the Memphis Bell; Knollwood Garden Center, where we plant sunflower seeds; and Carillon Park, where we learn to make candles by dipping string in wax like they did many years ago.
The favorite field trip every summer is the creek walk with a naturalist at Bill Yeck Park. The children get nets, walk in the stream, find fossils, and catch all sorts of interesting creek dwellers like water striders and crayfish.
We also have in-house field trips, where we bring presenters to us so more of our age groups can participate in the fun! This past summer the Boonshoft Museum brought animals to visit with all of our age groups. We learned about hissing cockroaches, a little salamander, a big snake, a hedgehog, and a barn owl.

Even while we are having our summer fun, we find it in our hearts to share that fun with others. Each summer, our oldest group of children collaborate with Jewish Family Services to go on a Mitzvah Mission to one of the elder care facilities in our area. While there, the children sing with the residents, do an art project, and partake in a yummy snack. Meaningful connections are made for both the children and residents.
We are looking forward to another great camp. This summer, we will be “making waves” with you and your children as we explore our summer theme of “Under the Sea!”
Now accepting registrations for fall 2019!
We have a few key slots available for our preschool and kindergarten rooms. Full and part time care is available. For more information on these programs please contact Audrey MacKenzie, Early Childhood Director at 937-853-0373 or amackenzie@jfgd.net.