Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

Antisemitism has long been an issue in our world. It seemed, at least for a short time, that things were moving in the right direction. However, in recent years, we have seen an increase in antisemitic acts ~ including hate crimes, hate speech, vandalism, and targeted...
Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

Our Work is Far from Over

Like many in our Jewish community, I am continually distressed by the events of October 7th and the heartbreak of the war in Israel. Over the past four months, supporters of Israel have followed the situation closely, hoping for a speedy and peaceful resolution to...
Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

Shabbat of Love

Of all of the beautiful Jewish customs and practices, the one that I personally find the most magical is Shabbat. Having a day to focus on rest, prayer, and community is truly one of the great gifts in Judaism. Over the last several months, we have experienced a veil...
Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

The Response We Were Hoping to Hear

Last week, a congressional hearing took place with the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the hearing was to give the presidents an opportunity to address the recent increase in antisemitism that has been exploding on...
Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

Bringing Light Into the Darkness

I am personally experiencing a plethora of emotions since October 7th that I haven’t really felt previously.  If I’m feeling this way, then I would think many of you are as well. In reading the news I often feel despair, anger, fear, and hopelessness. However, each...
Let’s Talk About Antisemitism

This Thanksgiving, Show Your Support for Israel

As we prepare to gather with family and friends on Thursday to celebrate Thanksgiving here in the U.S., I can’t help but think of our Jewish family in Israel. I mourn with those who have lost their loved ones. My heart breaks for the families of the hostages. I can...

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