Jewish Family Services
Jewish Family Services (JFS) is a social service agency, available to anyone who lives in the Miami Valley whether Jewish or not. Our services are offered regardless of age to meet the needs of those we serve whom are often invisible to the community-at-large. JFS exists as a Jewish response to those who feel grief, isolation, overwhelmed, frustrated, heart-ache, lost, alone, or confused. We respond to the needs of the community with kindness, compassion, respect, and expertise. JFS meets people where they are, both emotionally and physically, bringing our services wherever they are needed, including into the community and into people’s homes. We connect our clients to vital resources to offer help over both the short and long term. Jewish Family Services is open during business hours, Monday through Friday, at the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton.
Jewish Family Services is open during business hours, Monday through Friday, at the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton.
Jewish Family Services Mission
Guided by Jewish traditions, Jewish Family Services (JFS) of Greater Dayton provides individuals and families within the Miami Valley with the tools and services to lead happy and healthy lives.
Give to the JFS Friends Drive
Jewish Family Services would like to thank our LIFE & LEGACY donors for their support. Your legacy gift will allow JFS to respond to those in need and connect Jews to the services and vital resources. Please click here to view our LIFE & LEGACY donor list.
Who is eligible for services?
Anyone, regardless of age or religion, may contact us to receive guidance and support from our staff.
To get started, call the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton (JFGD) at 937-610-1555. You will be directed to a member of the JFS team to discuss what needs you or a family member have. Once you have spoken with a JFS employee, you may be asked to make an appointment to visit our social worker in the office or the social worker may make an appointment to come visit you in your home or elsewhere in the community. We will meet with you where you are comfortable.

A member of the community calls, indicating that he/she or a family member feels isolated/lonely.
JFS can assist by providing the individual with the names of various community programs.
JFS researches various community programs that may be appropriate and assists the client with making connections. In addition, JFS provides ongoing support via home visits or telephone calls. If an individual is a case management client of JFS, he/she may qualify to utilize our transportation services (fees apply in regards to transportation).

An individual is looking to downsize or clean out a residence.
JFS can provide the individual with information regarding options for donating various items, the names of various vendors who assist with downsizing, and/or the names of various vendors who assist with moving and transitioning from a larger residence to a smaller residence or independent/assisted/nursing facility.
The individual may be downsizing and/or moving because of a significant life change, perhaps the loss of a loved one, or some other change in circumstances. JFS, via a needs assessment, can assist the individual by making recommendations regarding potential living arrangement options; advocating and assisting with navigating various benefits and agencies; remaining in contact with the individual and providing emotional and clinical supports; and, if necessary, referring the individual to counseling services with partner agencies.

An individual is experiencing financial hardship.
JFS can provide limited financial support in specific situations. However, JFS can speak with an individual experiencing financial difficulties and refer the individual to various community resources.
JFS may assist the individual by helping apply for various benefits such as cash assistance and food stamps; reviewing the budget and making recommendations; referring to financial counseling with a partner agency; and, if eligible, in an emergency situation, providing limited financial assistance.
Social Services
The majority of Jewish Family Services’ services and programs fall under two categories, Information & Referral or Case Management.
In some ways, Information & Referral and Case Management are similar. In both instances, JFS helps a client efficiently and effectively navigate the maze of resources in the community.
› INFORMATION & REFERRAL – JFS provides a client with resources and then the client follows up and makes connections. There is not necessarily ongoing contact between the individual and JFS.
› CASE MANAGEMENT– When a client requires more in-depth supports, JFS helps make connections to appropriate resources and remains in close contact with the client regarding: advocacy; needs assessments; living arrangement evaluation and planning; friendly visits; telephone reassurance; transportation services; Medicare counseling; and, specific financial assistance.
The graphic below may better illustrate the similarities and differences between Information & Referral and Case Management.