
Episode 5: A Humbling Day After leaving David Moss, Cathy and I made our way to the Western Wall.  I have been looking forward to this stop on our trip—the Wall symbolizes so much to so many people and I was humbled to be in such a hallowed place. I was struck by the wide-ranging emotions of the women around me—some of the women were crying as they prayed, while others were almost joyful. In my bag I carried the written prayers of family and friends and I carefully placed each to them in a large crevice then let my hand rest on the Wall for a moment—talk about a powerful moment—wow! Next, Cathy and I visited Yad Vashem I heard so much from others who had visited the Holocaust Remembrance Center but nothing could prepare me for what I was about to experience firsthand. Zig-zagging my way through the imposing triangular concrete center, I was overwhelmed by all the photos, testimonies and artifacts. I thought about how horrific the uncertainty and suffering was for the victims and gave thanks for my family and friends and my wonderful life. I am truly blessed. I ended the tour in the Hall of Names, there are no words to describe my emotions at the enormity of the space that holds volume after volume of names of those murdered in the Holocaust. I found some comfort that every person that perished will always be remembered and we have given their name value despite the tragedy. As I exited the building I walked to the end of the platform that faces out on the Judean Hills. It was so peaceful and such an exquisite view and offered a reprieve from the heavy emotional journey I just took. All I could do was stand there breathing and just being. It was a humbling day indeed. Miss an episode? Check it out here! After 13 years with the Jewish Federation, the unflappable Jodi Phares is embarking on her FIRST trip to Israel! Join in on the experience as she details her visit to our Western Galilee Partnership2Gether region and brings our overseas connections a little closer to home.  ]]>

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