
Episode Four: David Moss-Illuminator, Animator and Transformer of Jewish Texts, Objects, Spaces and Souls We woke this morning to an extraordinary crisp, blue-sky day and I was thankful for the turn in the weather as Cathy and I had an exciting visit planned for the morning. So, what do two gals from Dayton do in Jerusalem on a gorgeous day? Why they walk to the artist’s colony near the old city to meet up with Dayton’s own David Moss. I have never met David in person (he and his wife have lived in Israel for the past 32 years), but I knew the standard story: brother of Meredith Moss Levinson, designer of the Moss Haggadahs, etc. I thought it would be prudent to find out a bit more about David so I googled him and this is what popped up: David Moss-Illuminator, Animator and Transformer of Jewish Texts, Objects, Spaces and Souls. Based on this brief description I thought wow he must be a super cool guy.  Well, David Moss is a super cool guy and so much more. At his shop, Cathy and I spent a delightful two hours with David where he shared many of his works explaining all the clever nuances of each piece.  Some pieces where traditional like the Mizrach and others were whimsical like the dissection of Hebrew letters to showcase their uniqueness. All David’s pieces were thoughtful in their exploration and expression and yes, stunning. I learned so much in our brief time together and I am so thankful that I got to meet David in person because his resume is spot on. This treasure and spirit unlike any other I have met before transformed me. David thoughtfully walked us to our next destination and ensured that we were headed in the right direction.  After we said our goodbyes, I thought to myself, I can’t wait until we meet again. Miss an episode? Check it out here! After 13 years with the Jewish Federation, the unflappable Jodi Phares is embarking on her FIRST trip to Israel! Join in on the experience as she details her visit to our Western Galilee Partnership2Gether region and brings our overseas connections a little closer to home.  ]]>

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