
Episode 12: The End! (or is it?!) I have been back in Dayton for a few days now and I have had some time to reflect and savor my first trip to Israel.  I can tell you it was nothing that I expected and everything exceeded my expectations.  The people of Israel were so warm and welcoming and I was struck by the unrelenting gratitude of all of the people who benefit from the support of Partnership2Gether. I also got to meet some incredibly dedicated professionals and volunteers from our partnership central area consortium and I look forward to our next steering committee meeting in Youngstown in June where our strategic planning work will continue. But of all the feelings I have had the one that keeps floating to the top is appreciation. I am so thankful that I had this incredible opportunity to learn first-hand what makes Israel so special and bring that emotion and knowledge back to share with my co-workers, our community and my family and friends.  It has been an invigorating and revitalizing experience and I will be floating on this high for quite some time. One thing is certain – I can’t wait to return to Israel!]]>

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