Last week, Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Executive Director of Development and Strategy Janese R. Sweeny joined with colleagues from across the U.S. and Canada for the 2024 Life & Legacy Leadership Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts. The conference was designed to provide networking opportunities and share best practices among participants to further efforts to make endowment-building and legacy-giving normative behavior and create sustainable, legacy-giving programs in local communities and organizations.
Kathy Sarlson, Life & Legacy’s National Director noted, “The Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s vision of building vibrant Jewish communities underscores our collective responsibility to care for one another. It is emblematic of the work we do each day to ensure a joyous, proud, safe, and sustainable Jewish world for our children, grandchildren, and future generations.”
Over 180 participants from 40 different communities attended the conference over its three days. Participants represented Jewish Federations, Jewish Community Foundations, synagogues, day schools, JCCs, Hillels, JFSs, Chabad, and other Jewish communal organizations. Highlights included a Yom HaShoah observance and keynote by Dan Elbaum from The Jewish Agency for Israel, workshops on a variety of topics, small group discussions, and a panel titled “What Makes a Successful Legacy Effort?”
The greater Dayton Jewish community is now in Year seven of this initiative and has over 420 Letters of Intent to benefit our Jewish future. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about leaving a legacy to a Jewish organization in Dayton, please contact Janese at 937-401-1542.