
I recently read an article about the importance of showing up for people. In our darkest times, support can provide us with a sense of comfort and remind us we are not alone. When people show up for us in our happiest moments, it can evoke feelings of caring and connection.

The idea of showing up has been especially important since the attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023. In fact, the comment I hear from our Israeli friends time and time again is how thankful they are for the support of their American friends. They have expressed there are many times when they feel completely alone in their trauma and pain.

Anything we can do during this time to help our worldwide Jewish community feel supported is appreciated tenfold. There are two opportunities coming up for you to show your support and stand with the Jewish community.

On Sunday, October 27 at 11:30 a.m. join us via Zoom for the October 7th Commemoration ~ One Partnership, One Heart event. Virtually stand shoulder to shoulder with other Partnership2Gether* communities and the Western Galilee to mark this tragic, historic day through interactive community gatherings. The event is being held on the Hebrew calendar one-year anniversary of the October 7 attacks. You can click here to register.

On Wednesday, November 6 at 5:00 p.m., the University of Dayton will hold its annual Kristallnacht Remembrance program at the Immaculate Conception Chapel on the University of Dayton campus. The program includes musical reflections by the University of Dayton World Music Choir directed by Dr. Ryu-Kung Kim. Sponsored by Campus Ministry and the Department of Music, this event commemorates the events that began on November 9, 1938 in which Jewish homes, businesses, and places of worship were destroyed throughout Germany. Many Jews were also assaulted; some even murdered.

The University of Dayton has a very open and compassionate campus ministry. Under the leadership of Crystal Sullivan, they continue each year to provide an incredible remembrance program, and I encourage all who are able to attend. There is also a livestream option (you can find the QR Code for the livestream by clicking here).

Thank you, as always, for being such a caring Jewish community.

*Partnership2Gether (P2G) is a program of The Jewish Agency and The Jewish Federations of North America, promoting people-to-people relationships through cultural, social, medical, educational, and economic programs. The Western Galilee Partnership connects 17 U.S. communities of the US Central Area Consortium, Israel’s Western Galilee and Budapest, Hungary.

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