
New Report on Antisemitism 

Earlier this month, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Tel Aviv University published the Annual Report on Antisemitism Worldwide for 2023. Not surprisingly, there was a sharp increase in antisemitism in 2023, with a significant number of incidents occurring after October 7th

According to the report, “ADL’s annual audit of antisemitic incidents in the United States catalogued 7,523 incidents in 2023, compared to 3,697 in 2022 and 2,717 in 2021. They are the highest numbers the ADL has ever recorded and the third straight year of registering a record high.” If you include the ADL’s newly changed methodology to include “certain cases of anti-Zionist rhetoric and activism, as well as some formulations of calls for ‘resistance,’ as antisemitic incidents” the 2023 numbers are even higher. 

Our places of worship and Jewish institutions in the United States are facing an onslaught of harassment as well. In 2023, they received 962 recorded bomb threats, compared to 94 in 2022. 

Jews of all ages and walks of life are experiencing harassment, vandalism, and assaults in record numbers. In an analysis of hate crime incidences in the United States, the FBI Crime Data Explorer reports 11,613 hate crimes occurred in 2022. Of that, 1,124 were anti-Jewish hate crimes. This was the second highest bias type in the report (after anti-African American hate crimes). In contrast, there were 158 anti-Islamic (Muslim) hate crimes. 

In the Miami Valley, we have been working to address antisemitism in our community, as well as provide education to the community-at-large, so they can recognize when an antisemitic incident has occurred. Recently our JCRC Director, Jeff Blumer, met with teachers at a local school district to address antisemitic comments that were made within their district, and provided them with tools to help recognize what constitutes as antisemitism. He also spoke with police recruits at Sinclair Community College. 

In addition, the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton has created an Antisemitism Taskforce, with the goal to implement ways in which to address antisemitism in the Greater Miami Valley. Our first meeting was a success. The taskforce came up with some great action steps. If you are interested in participating on the taskforce or have some ideas you feel might help combat antisemitism in our community, please contact me at

If you experience antisemitism, I encourage you to report it to ADL by clicking here. The Federation and Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) can also help provide education and outreach. Please contact me at or JCRC Director Jeff Blumer at for additional information or to access our local resources. 

Click here to read the Annual Report on Antisemitism Worldwide for 2023.



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