

Over the past 20 years, Partnership2Gether (P2G) has become the Jewish Agency for Israel’s and the Jewish Federations of North America’s most successful and effective model for creating meaningful relationships between global Jewish communities and communities in Israel. It is the central platform for the promotion and development of deep connections among Jewish communities across the globe.

The Western Galilee P2G connects the U.S. Central Area Consortium consisting of 14 U.S. Jewish Federation communities, Budapest, Hungary and Israel’s Western Galilee. Dayton is part of of an inclusive and active network of people focused on the mutual exchange of ideas and programs with the goal of developing relationships to strengthen our global Jewish Identity.

Our Partnership2Gether organization and programming structure consists of task forces focusing on creating and building upon our mission of connecting people and establishing personal relationships. These task forces below create an active network of cultural, educational, social, medical and economic programs.

P2G Video Gallery

APPRECIATION by Stephen Goldberg was created as a contribution to the Create2Gether Partnership 2021 virtual gallery based upon the theme of “HOME.” 

A statement from the artist: It was inspired by George Moore, an Irish novelist who said …“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs — and returns home to find it.” I have traveled to many parts of the world and along the way captured beautiful images through the lens of my camera. “APPRECIATION” begins as a blank CANVAS.  Photos from several of these global destinations slowly come together to form an alluring collage. In recognition of the restrictions we now face due to COVID, the images begin to fade and are replaced one by one with ones taken close to home resulting in a new level of APPRECIATION.

Arts & Community

With a focus on developing relationships between Dayton and the Western Galilee through creative collaboration, experiences, and professional connections, P2G Arts & Community programs include people from creative and professional disciplines such as; Theater, Performance Art, Music, Dance, Art Therapy, Photography, Design, Architecture, Film, History, Entrepreneurship, Archeology, Anthropology, Business, and more.

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P2G runs a wide variety of programs that connect people in the Western Galilee and the U.S. Central Area Consortium communities in formal and informal educational settings. From preschool through high school, teachers, children, teens, students and families can connect both virtually and in person through the many P2G educational opportunities.

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The Medical Task Force creates opportunities for medical personnel from the Consortium communities and the Western Galilee to connect on a professional level, gives the Galilee Medical Center international exposure and gives learning and sharing opportunities to doctors on both sides.

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Resource Development

The Resource Development Task Force focuses on volunteer engagement, donor development in Israel, planning for mission visits, communications, and publicity and marketing needs for P2G.

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P2G Summit in Budapest

2022 P2G Summit in Budapest September 10 - 15, 2022 Cost: $900 PP double occupancy, $1,400 per PP single occupancy Registration Fee: $500 due by June 1, 2022 Remaining balance due by July 1, 2022 Fully refundable up to July 31, 2022 Join us for our first international...

What is Partnership2Gether (P2G)?

Dayton along with 15 other US communities and Budapest, Hungary has a very special relationship with the Central Region of the Western Galilee in Israel.

Partnership2Gether Brings Dayton to Western Galilee

On a beautiful day in February 2017, I found myself standing alongside 40 Partnership2Gether (P2G) staff and volunteers in a vacant lot across from the Mediterranean Sea.

Jewish Observer

By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer University of Dayton Religious Studies Assistant Prof. Abraham Rubin’s first book release brought him to New York for a Feb. 3 lecture at the Center for Jewish History sponsored by the Leo Baeck Institute for the Study of German-Jewish History and Culture. In The post Survivors who wrestled with their conversions to Christianity form basis of UD assistant professor’s first book appeared first on The Dayton Jewish Observer. [...]

Prof. Robert Alter, noted for his translation of the Hebrew Bible among his more than 20 books of criticism, translation, and commentary, will present two lectures about the Hebrew Bible for the 45th Ryterband Symposium in Judaic Studies, at Wright State University, Wednesday, March 26. At 4 p.m., he’ll discuss The post Biblical scholar Robert Alter leads Judaic symposium appeared first on The Dayton Jewish Observer. [...]

By Rabbi Nochum Mangel, Chabad of Greater Dayton As the joyous festival of Purim approaches, we see that its themes resonate far beyond the historical narrative of Queen Esther, Mordechai, and the salvation of the Jewish people. This ancient story offers a profound blueprint for confronting antisemitism, a scourge that The post Purim’s timeless lesson to combat antisemitism appeared first on The Dayton Jewish Observer. [...]

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