Party with a Purpose
On February 18th, the JCC held its A Night In Vegas fundraiser for the first time since 2020. Normally I play in the Texas Hold’em tournament, but this year I had the honor of being a blackjack dealer. It was a blast! I wasn’t the only one who had fun though. The over...
Presidents Dinner 2023
The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton is pleased to present the 2023 Presidents Dinner on Sunday, May 21, at 6 p.m., at the Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture and Education

JFS Sharing Your Joy at Passover
JFS Sharing Your Joy at Passover Now through March 10 Do you have a favorite photo of nature that brings you joy? Share that joy with others! Submit your photos to Jewish Family Services now through March 10, and we will use them to create Passover cards as part of...