The Power of the Collective

The Power of the Collective

The Power of the Collective I recently heard Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) CEO Eric Fingerhut say, “You don’t wait for a fire to build a firehouse.” When a community member asked me why they should donate to help aid those in Ukraine through JFNA, as...
The Power of the Collective

Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

Throughout the years, Jewish Federations of North America and its partner agencies have raised much needed funds to help global Jewry. Their work continues today. In times of crisis, the worldwide Jewish community comes together to raise money to address extraordinary needs. Sadly, our friends and family in Ukraine are facing a crisis.

The Power of the Collective

Thoughts on the Crisis in Ukraine – And How You Can Help

Last summer, in our search for a Development Director, we received several outstanding resumes. However, one resume in particular stood out. Lidia Zambilovici, a native of Moldova, grew up in the former Soviet Union, where Jewish communities in that part of the world continue to benefit from the work of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).

The Power of the Collective

It’s Time to Act Now Against Israel Bias

It’s Time to Act Now Against Israel Bias. It has been quite an interesting week for the worldwide Jewish community. I am sure many of you have seen news stories about Whoopi Goldberg’s comments pertaining to the Holocaust, and the subsequent backlash that has ensued – click here for more information. While her comments are concerning, what really has me alarmed this week is the recent report on Israel by Amnesty International.

The Power of the Collective

Words Matter

Words Matter. This past Monday, the United States honored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While many organizations released statements in support of Dr. King’s dream, one organization intertwined antisemitic rhetoric within their statement.

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