Cathy’s WHIM – Supporting Innovation

Cathy’s WHIM – Supporting Innovation

When our Innovation Grants program was launched almost 10 years ago, the idea was to support unique, one-of-a-kind, and collaborative programs in our Dayton Jewish community. Over the years, we have seen many initiatives take shape; however, one in particular has grown from an idea to an integral part of Jewish Dayton.

Cathy’s WHIM – Supporting Innovation

Cathy’s WHIM – A Virtual Visit

Recently I was talking to a community member, and the topic turned to our programming throughout the pandemic. They raved about what we have provided virtually, and how it has kept the community together during this crazy year. One comment this person made, though, really meant a lot. They said, “You couldn’t have done a better job.”

Cathy’s WHIM – Supporting Innovation

Cathy’s WHIM – Twice As Nice

Admittedly, inspiration doesn’t always come to me on a regular basis. And, on a rare occasion, I have two things that simultaneously inspire me. This is one of those occasions.

Cathy’s WHIM – Supporting Innovation

Cathy’s WHIM – A Lasting Impact

This past week, our world lost two important people. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l, Emeritus Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, passed away from cancer at age 72 on Saturday, November 7th. On Sunday, November 8th, notable Jeopardy host Alex Trebek z”l passed away from cancer at age 80. While both men had incredibly different lives, they each made important impacts in our world.

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