Jun 5, 2015 | Annual Campaign, Israel & Overseas, JFGD
As we look forward to celebrating at Temple Israel’s Jewish Cultural Festival, we’re reminded how much celebrating Judasim brings people together. Not only does it provide a safe environment to explore our own Jewish culture and heritage, it also promotes...
May 29, 2015 | Annual Campaign, Israel & Overseas, JFGD
As a teenager during World War II, Aza and her mother fled to Central Asia after the Nazis invaded her native Ukraine and her father was killed on the front lines. Even when it was considered safe enough to return, mother and daughter stayed away. With their hometown...
May 22, 2015 | Annual Campaign, Israel & Overseas
“I’d never been to Israel before, I’m 58 years old now, I was 57 when I went. I said to myself, ‘I’m long overdue’, I really want to go. I may or may not go after this, but I really want to go”, recalled Steve Renas, a retired...