Jun 21, 2019 | Cathy's Whim, JFGD
While JFS continues to help our clients, we as a Jewish community can help our neighbors. By opening the Tornado Relief Fund, we will collect donations to be gifted from the Jewish Community as a whole, to the Miami Valley Community Action Partnership and the American Red Cross.
Jun 17, 2019 | Jewish Dayton Magazine, JFGD, YAD
When it comes to planning events for the Jewish Federation’s Young Adult Division (YAD), there are several things to take into consideration.
May 27, 2019 | Camp Shalom, Jewish Dayton Magazine, JFGD, PJ Library
Reading a bedtime story is a special ritual for children and their families, and it doesn’t have to end when kids go off to Jewish Camp.
May 8, 2019 | Annual Campaign, Jewish Dayton Magazine, JFGD
The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton’s Presidents Dinner will celebrate its fifth anniversary this June.
Apr 8, 2019 | Annual Campaign, Dayton, Israel & Overseas, Jewish Dayton Magazine, JFGD
Here in Dayton, your Campaign dollar does more than you could ever imagine within the Jewish community locally, in Israel, and around the world!