Mar 8, 2022 | Cathy's Whim
The Big Shift. Every December 31st, people from all around the globe bid farewell to the current year, while looking forward to a new year filled with hope, good health, and happiness. Many set New Year’s Resolutions – to lose weight, save money, quit smoking, be kinder…the list goes on.
Mar 8, 2022 | Cathy's Whim
What is an Upstander? Over the past nine months, I have participated in several exceptional learning experiences regarding antisemitism (and how we can handle it when it arises). Recently, I completed The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute’s class “Outsmarting Antisemitism” through Chabad. It was an incredibly eye-opening and thought-provoking course.
Feb 27, 2022 | Annual Campaign, Jewish Dayton Magazine, JFGD, Presidents Dinner
The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton is pleased to present the 2022 Presidents Dinner at the newly renovated Dayton Arcade.
Apr 17, 2020 | JewishDayton Virtual Community
Are you looking for fresh produce and fruit? Check out our Corporate Sponsor Premier Produce One’s website where you can purchase a box of fresh fruit or produce. They even offer curbside pickup! Want to pay it forward? Premier Produce One offers the option...
Mar 24, 2020 | JewishDayton Virtual Community, JFGD
Calling all sewers! We have connected with a group of sewers from the Facebook group Brookville Sewing Masks who are sewing mask covers for the N95 masks for nursing homes and doctors offices and they need our help.